"Desktop publishing makes everything look slick. When you present sketches, it helps start the dialogue and collaboration." - John Katzman
Do you know what makes a magazine page look readable and attractive? It's the creative Desktop Publishing!
Developed between the 70s and the 80s. To process text and images on a PC. And from that time, typesetting and layout structuring technology evolved rapidly. The effort to assemble typography, designs, and images for digital display or even printing has changed many industries, including software development, hardware, printing, and graphic design.
All the printed materials in the modern age are influenced by Desktop Publishing one way or another. Not a single document layout, a book, newspaper, magazines, brochures, manuals and on and on, isn't likely to be formatted and organized. As Desktop Publishing and word processing programs gained more commercial power. It urges the need for a professional service providers.
And in the translation and localization industry, DTP plays an important role in the final stages of the production.
This professional support function performs essential jobs such as:
Assessment and preparation of the project files.
Structuring templates for User Manuals, brochures, web layout..etc
Producing monolingual or multilingual printouts
Converting content structure from a language to another, for example, converting LTR (Left to Right) Latin text into the equivalent RTL (Right to Left) Arabic layout.
Here you can find some of the most common and important DTP concepts:
Arrangement of text and images.
Orienting the pages according to the landscape or the portrait.
Document's Accessability
Sizing pages.
Creating covers, body, and master pages.
Fixing inside or outside page margins.
Symmetry of Single-side or Double side pages.
Arranging headers and footers.
Page numbering.
Paragraph Styles.
Character Styles.
Fonts and Text Wrapping.
Page Breaks.
Cross Reference.
Crop Marks.
Graphic Links.
Hyperlinks and Bookmarks.
Table of Content.
...in addition to more and more concepts and definitions.
Our team is highly trained, experienced, and capable of managing large capacities. Get in touch, we will be glad to offer you a free trial of 2-3 complementary monolingual pages.
Finally, this is a quick demonstration of the typical DTP workflow performed after completing a translation or a localization project.​
Document Type
Language(s): RTL / LTR
Source Components
Available translated text
Source Tool
No. of pages
Images and links
Structuring Template
Text conversion
Layout QC
Text QC
Delivered Packages (target material)
Sign off before delivery on both text and layout.
Creating a beautifully organized layout is a talent. Get in touch for a free quote!
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