Looking for one-stop language industry experts?
In order to meet your expectations, our global operation is supported by in-country presence in major regions of the globe: Europe, the Middle East and Africa, South East and Japan. That is in addition to a long solid experience in providing multilingual services.
Here, we offer regional language bundles. We will manage translation and localization of your content from and into these languages by allocating highly qualified native speakers. And operated by an efficient project management team.
Our major source languages are: English - German - Frnehc - Arabic and more.

Languages of the Middle East
Arabic - Dari - Farsi - Hebrew - Kurdish - Pashto - Tamazight - Turkish - Urdu

African Languages
Afrikaans - Amharic - Hausa - Igbo - Kinyarwanda - Somali - Tigrinya - Xhosa - Yoruba - Zulu and more…

European Languages
Armenian - Czech - French - German - Greek - Hungarian - Italian - Polish - Spanish - and more…

Central Asian and Indian Languages
Russian - Tajik - Azeri - Kazakh - Hindi - Bengali - Tamil - Kannada - Malayalam - Marathi and more…

Japanese and South East Asian Languages
Japanese - Chinese - Korean - Malay - Thai - Burmese - Indonesian - Tagalog - Vietnamese - Hmong and more…